Over the last two decades MARETEC has been involved in several national and international R&D projects funded by the EU and the Portuguese Science Fundation (FCT). Currently these are the projects MARETEC is involved in.
Development of technics to improve water irrigation productivity
SenSyf (FP7)
Development and testing of new processing chains and Sentinel and Copernicus/GMES data based on tools (including models) running on the cloud
BioPlume (PTDC/AAG-REC/2139/2012)
Dependence of coastal ecosystems on river run-off: today & tomorrow
A prototype to predict the best sites for groundwater abstraction in alluvial zones in SUDOE territory.
EmoSem (ERA-NET)
Develop and combine the state-of-the-art modelling tools describing the river-ocean continuum in the North-East Atlantic (NEA) continental seas, in order to link the eutrophication nuisances in specific marine regions to anthropogenic inputs
SeaforSociety (FP7)
Development of technics and initiatives to bring together researchers, marine and terrestrial actors, civil society organizations citizens and youth in a mutual learning and consultation and action to ensure sustainable management of marine ecosystem services
EnergyMare (Interreg IVb)
Deliver and operate a rigorous, robust and sustainable Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting system of the GMES Marine Service (OMF/GMS) to users for all marine applications : maritime safety, marine resources, marine and coastal environment and climate, seasonal and weather forecasting
2012 - 2015
BioChangeR (PTDC/AAC-AMB/121191/2010)
Biogeochemical Processes induced by Climate and Anthropogenic Circulation Changes: The Case Study of Ria de Aveiro (Portugal )
2012 - 2015
MYOCEAN 2 (FP7-SPACE-2011-283367)
Deliver and operate a rigorous, robust and sustainable Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting system of the GMES Marine Service (OMF/GMS) to users for all marine applications : maritime safety, marine resources, marine and coastal environment and climate, seasonal and weather forecasting
2012 - 2015
ARCOPOL + (Interreg IVb)
Atlantic Regions Coastal Pollution Response