Ricardo da Silva Vieira


Ricardo da Silva Vieira has a degree in environmental engineering (Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, 2002) and a PhD (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica, 2014) in the application of participatory and multicriteria methods within an urban context, from an ecological-economics perspective. Ricardo worked as a carbon and footprint officer for WWF (2010-2012) and currently is a researcher for MARETEC. He’s research interests lay on ecological economics, happiness evaluations, environmental and sustainability evaluations of technology, plans and programs, participatory methods, and integrated approaches for sustainable development. In his activity, Ricardo gain knowledge on adaptation and mitigation to climate change, environmental impacts of agricultural practices, multicriteria evaluations, life cycle analysis, soil nutrient balances, carbon and water footprinting, participatory and deliberative methods, amongst others.

PhD in environment, in the area of urban planning, participatory methods and ecological economics - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica (Portugal), 2014
Environmental engineering degree, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon (Portugal), 2002

Skills | Area of work

  • Life cycle assessment (LCA) of products, organisations and activities (including carbon and water footprinting), mostly for the energy and agriculture sectors. 
  • Soil nutrient balances; 
  • Appraisal of policies on climate change (mitigation and adaptation) and environmental appraisal of plans and programs (e.g. strategic environmental assessments);
  • Environmental and sustainability appraisal methodologies (e.g. multicriteria decision aids), with the development of a new tool – SEROI (Social and Ecological Return on Investment) developed in partnership with SystemicSphere;
  • Participatory processes and facilitation; 
  • Environmental reporting (corporative support to the response to the CDP Questionnaire, Sustainability reports);
  • Due diligences and partnership risks;
  • Teaching and demonstration (sustainability, multicriteria analyses and LCA).