
The SenSyF (Sentinels Synergy Framework) project provides a specialised Sandbox Service with tools and development/validation platforms where developers are able to implement and test their applications, and then tap into a distributed pool of cloud resources when ready for the exploitation phase. This project will allow for the development and testing of new processing chains and methods for Sentinel and Copernicus/GMES contributing mission data on a continuous basis, and the delivery of higher-level products and services complementing the information provided by the operational services.

This system will be based on a dynamic parallel processing infrastructure, where the capabilities of grid computing applied to Sentinel data processing can be exploited and demonstrated. The sandbox model furnishes a test environment very similar to the space agencies operational environments, where the applications are ran against large EO series of datasets, and where the “time- to-market” understood as the applications maturity and readiness for production can be streamlined.

The distributed processing services are bridging the exploitation gap by offering access to EO data and processing power, and bringing the processors and applications closer to the data. By using the same model behind the the European Space Agency (ESA) Grid Processing on-Demand environment, the SenSyF project will enable the collaborative sharing of data and processing power from commercial or/and private clouds.

The SenSyF project will provide an infrastructure where SME and scientists can develop and deploy Earth Science application with a lower overall cost of data and infrastructure setup and maintenance.